Currently Scheduled classes are shown below. All other classes will be scheduled on an as-required basis when students are interested. Classes can be scheduled on weekend days or on selected weekdays. Contact me at to schedule a class.

The cost is $150.00 per person. Payment for classes may be made in advance or at the beginning of the class, and may be made by cash, check or credit card.

NoVA-MD Self Defense, LLC

NRA  Basic Range Safety Officer Certification Class, Sunday August 8, 2021

NOTE: This scheduled class is for previously identified AGC Range personnel.
This course teaches the basic duties a Range Safety Officer performs. It provides a thorough introduction to: the role of Range Safety Officers (RSOs); range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range safety briefings; range inspections and rules; emergency procedures; and how to clear firearm stoppages and correct malfunctions. This class will be taught in a classroom at one of the largest active outdoor ranges on the East Coast and will include real-time exposure to typical range operations and shooter management.

To register for the class:

Go to
In the
Safety section, Click on:  NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course
Scroll down to the
SEARCH area and enter zip code 21104 and 10 in Mile Radius, then click on the left Search box
On the new page, click on "
Click for Details" for the class date July 7, 2021
On the new page,  fill in the required information at the bottom and click on "
Once I receive notification of your registration, I will confirm with an email and more information.